Monday, July 4, 2011

Party in the CIA

Here's another Ghostbot project I was lucky enough to work on as Art Director:

I had a lot of fun on this one. It was my first collaboration with the extremely talented Ghostbot director, Roque Ballesteros. He was great to work for and gave me a lot of room to play with the look of the Backgrounds and Color. Roque pointed me towards Saul Bass, Kuntzel and Deygas'"Catch Me If You Can" title sequence, and the incredible Lou Romano. I added my own love of Charlie Harper and Bob Staake, and we were off developing the video late last year. Early on, with just those references and the song lyrics, but no board yet, I came up with this:

I also roughed these out around the same time:

Roque was such a fan of the ideas in these roughs that he retooled some of the scenes to allow for these moments. I was very pleased with the "kaleidoscope" scene of the car zooming off.

Thanks for taking a look!

1 comment:

  1. Heehee cool video! Your Art direction is beautiful, I love your sense of colour. The animation has great timing too. Lovely stuff =D
